Reel Diving is a distribution company for diving equipment, representing manufacturers such as Santi, Shearwater, Suex, Avatar, Cressi, K01, Kwark, Ammonite Systems and Shark Dive Gear. We stock a full line of diving equipment in our 1000 m2 Gothenburg warehouse, serving clients in the UK & Ireland, Germany, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Greece and Malta.


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Do you want to win an Avatar: diving made easy AIRON? Now's your chance.

If you're attending the Go Diving Show in the UK on the 1st and 2nd of March find the Reel Diving booth at stand 570 and take a picture with the AVATAR Airon! 📸

Then post the picture to Facebook or Instagram, tagging both @Reel Diving & Avatar: diving made easy and use the hashtag #AironThePrize 🔥

It's that simple! Make sure you stop by to be in the chance of winning a NEW drysuit 👀
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10 hours ago
🚨🇬🇧 GIVEAWAY!!! 

Do you want to win an Avatar: diving made easy  AIRON? Nows your chance. 

If youre attending the Go Diving Show in the UK on the 1st and 2nd of March find the Reel Diving booth at stand 570 and take a picture with the AVATAR Airon! 📸

Then post the picture to Facebook or Instagram, tagging both @Reel Diving & Avatar: diving made easy  and use the hashtag #AironThePrize 🔥

Its that simple! Make sure you stop by to be in the chance of winning a NEW drysuit 👀

Your valentines reminder ☺️ ... See MoreSee Less

7 days ago

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Oj där blev alla hjärtans dag vääääldigt mycket dyrare. 😱

Mel Anie 😆

Photos from Ian France's post ... See MoreSee Less

1 week ago
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